Twitter integration for your own 
personal dashboard or intranet Digital Assistant integration powered by Zapier

Twitter integration

adenin puts Twitter data and all your other apps into a personal dashboard. Work smarter and interact, create, or embed your apps anywhich way you want.

adenin logoAdd Twitter to adenin Opens the Twitter template for Zapier (See installation instructions)

With the Twitter app you can receive updates whenever your channel gets a new mention. This is an ideal app for marketing or comms departments that want to keep tabs on their companies' Twitter handle, without constantly checking their phone for an update.

Many corporate Twitter accounts deliver to shared mailboxes, where it's easy to miss a notification email, but with this app you'll always have an Adaptive Card on your personal dashboard with instant updates about new mentions.

Make your own Adaptive Cards from Twitter data

Once you connect the Twitter API to your adenin account, a Card with your desired data will be generated and added to your dashboard.

Making changes to this Card’s layout is easy with our low-code Adaptive Card designer. Simply click on the ··· button and then Edit in Designer.

It’s incredibly developer-friendly and lets you drag-and-drop new elements into your design, or adjust the visual properties by selecting any element from the preview area.

Travel Request Card from Concur Travel Request Card from Concur
Business travel request Card Business travel request Card
User profile block
Image block Image block

How to install the Twitter integration on your personal dashboard

  1. Click the Add button below. This will open the Twitter template in Zapier, a free service that sends Cards from over 5000+ apps to adenin.

    adenin logoAdd Twitter to adenin
  2. In Zapier, select your Twitter data source and authenticate with the app.

    Zapier Trigger for Twitter integration Twitter integration 1. Twitter
  3. Then map the values to the Adaptive Card maker step of your Zap. As a title enter something like My Twitter card as this is how it will appear on your dashboard.

    Mapping Twitter  data to Card maker step in the Zapier Zap template
  4. Once your Zap is up and running, a Card with your Twitter data will automatically appear on your personal dashboard. Everytime your Twitter trigger fires in the future, this will add a new entry to that card.

    Go to my personal dashboard 

    The personal dashboard is showing the Twitter integration

Get Twitter integration for intranets and chatbots

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